Step 7: Determine which waste treatment methods exist within your municipal boundaries

Continuing with the data collection, you can skip the data processing steps 4b, 5 and 6 for now and jump to Step 7 to collect data on waste first.



  1. Observe that there are six distinct waste treatment processes (see green highlighted single values in image) in total. The other three are calculated by adding up single processes (see yellow highlighted calculated values) to groups. This first point helps to make yourself familiar with the processes and the way that the spreadsheet is set up.

  1. In row 2 of the Waste tab, fill in through a green checkmark or a red cross, if you physically have these waste treatment processes take place within your municipal boundaries or not. If you do not know, you can find out by informing yourself through the local waste treatment companies and/or the environmental department of the municipality.

→ Having the knowledge of the treatment activities helps you to find out if you need to find the waste amounts for them in Step 8 or not.

Background: Waste materials are also included in the material scope of the UCA and draw their boundaries from the Eurostat waste treatment statistics, which is why they have those names in the first row. Major waste categories are following the classification of “[Data from Eurostat waste treatment statistics env_wastrt” and include chemical and medical wastes, recyclable wastes, equipment, animal and vegetal waste, mixed ordinary waste, mineral and solidified waste, and metallic waste. For the full waste material scope and a complete list with all materials, see What are the UCA materials? > List of waste.