2.1. Extraction/Harvesting
Title | Type | Spaces | Author(s) | Year |
Environmental permits and land extraction permits in Mikkeli area | Webpage | Mikkeli | City of Mikkeli City of Mikkeli | |
Kaivannaiset.fi | Webpage | Mikkeli | Metsähallitus Metsähallitus | |
Maanrakennus Pajunen Oy | Webpage | Mikkeli | Maanrakennus Pajunen Oy Maanrakennus Pajunen Oy | |
Producción Biomasa 2016 - 2020 | Dataset | Sevilla | ||
Producción Biomasa 2016 - 2020 | Dataset | Sevilla | ||
Producción Biomasa 2016 - 2020 | Dataset | Sevilla | ||
Producción Biomasa 2016 - 2020 | Dataset | Sevilla | ||
Cultivation of vegetables in Mikkeli in years 2015 and 2019 in tonnes | Dataset | Mikkeli | Natural Resources Institute Finland Luke Luke, Natural Resources Institute Finland | 2023 |
Geo localisation of extraction companies in Bodø | GPS Coordinates | Bodø | Gerardo Ezequiel Martín Carreño & Shamita Chaudary Gerardo Ezequiel Martín Carreño & Shamita Chaudary | 2022 |
Infraestruturas de Extração - Póvoa de Varzim | GPS Coordinates | Póvoa de Varzim | Câmara Municipal Póvoa de Varzim Câmara Municipal Póvoa de Varzim | 2022 |
Cultivation of Root and Tubers in Mikkeli 2015-2019 | Dataset | Mikkeli | Natural Resources Institute of Finland LUKE LUKE, Natural Resources Institute of Finland | 2021 |
Cultivation of oil bearing crops in Mikkeli 2015-2019 | Dataset | Mikkeli | Natural Resources Institute Finland LUKE LUKE, Natural Resources Institute Finland | 2021 |
Employment in extraction and harvesting in Mikkeli in Agriculture, forestry and fishing and mining and quarrying 2014-2019. | Dataset | Mikkeli | Statistics Finland Statistics Finland | 2021 |
GPS Coordinates biomass sector actors Apeldoorn | GPS Coordinates | Apeldoorn | Madzy Korte Rob de Groot Rob de Groot, Madzy Korte | 2021 |
GPS Coordinates construction sector actors Apeldoorn | GPS Coordinates | Apeldoorn | Rob de Groot Rob de Groot | 2021 |
GVA and GDP in mining and quarrying for construction materials in Mikkeli 2000-2018 | Dataset | Mikkeli | Statistics Finland Statistics Finland | 2021 |
GVA in crop and animal production in Mikkeli (harvesting/extraction) | Dataset | Mikkeli | Statistics Finland Statistics Finland | 2021 |
GVA in forestry and fishing in Mikkeli | Dataset | Mikkeli | Statistics Finland Statistics Finland | 2021 |
Geo localisation of extraction companies in Høje-Taastrup | GPS Coordinates | Høje-Taastrup | Carolin Bellstedt Carolin Bellstedt | 2021 |
Geo localisation of extraction companies in Roskilde | GPS Coordinates | Roskilde | Carolin Bellstedt Carolin Bellstedt | 2021 |
Geo-localisation of Extraction & Harvesting Infrastructures in Porto | GPS Coordinates | Porto | Paula Castro Paula Castro | 2021 |
Geospaciala data - Costruction sector - Actors in Barberà | GPS Coordinates | Vallès Occidental | Web Research Web Research | 2021 |
Land extraction permits and rock reserves - map service | Map | Mikkeli | Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE) Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE) | 2021 |
List of registered companies in Apeldoorn | Dataset | Apeldoorn | KVK KVK | 2021 |
Main Actors in Porto | Dataset | Porto | Paula Castro Paula Castro | 2021 |
Main Actors in Porto | GPS Coordinates | Porto | Paula Castro Paula Castro | 2021 |
Materials per city (Roskilde) | Dataset | Roskilde | Roskilde municipality Roskilde municipality | 2021 |
Produced amount of cereals in Mikkeli by species 2013-2019 | Dataset | Mikkeli | Natural Resources Institute of Finland Natural Resources Institute of Finland | 2021 |
Produced amount of fruit and berries in South-Savo region in years 2014-2018 | Dataset | Mikkeli | Natural Recourses Institute of Finland. Luke Luke, Natural Recourses Institute of Finland. | 2021 |
Sevilla Geo localisation of main actors biomass sector | GPS Coordinates | Sevilla | Santiago Santiago | 2021 |
Sevilla_Geo_localisation_of_main_actors_biomass sector Imagen | Image | Sevilla | Santiago Santiago | 2021 |
Soil extraction permits and rock reserves in Mikkeli | Shapefile | Mikkeli | Malk V. Malk V. | 2021 |
GVA by economic activity - Porto | Dataset | Porto | INE INE | 2020 |
Identification of agricultural plots Municipality of Seville | Shapefile | Sevilla | Junta de Andalucia Junta de Andalucia | 2020 |
Industries and employees in Mikkeli 2013-2018 | Dataset | Mikkeli | Statistics Finland Statistics Finland | 2020 |
Producción Biomasa 2016 - 2020 | Dataset | Sevilla | 2020 | |
Urbane agricultural gardens | Map | Porto | Camara Municipal do Porto Camara Municipal do Porto | 2020 |
A report fishing areas and their use in Mikkeli-Luonteri 2019 | Report | Mikkeli | Etelä-Savon kalatalouskeskus Etelä-Savon kalatalouskeskus | 2019 |
Actors (companies) and employees - Sand & gravel | Dataset | Sevilla | Junta de Andalucia Junta de Andalucia | 2019 |
Agrifood Industry in the Andalucia region | Shapefile | Sevilla | Instituto de Estadística y Cartografía de Andalucía Instituto de Estadística y Cartografía de Andalucía | 2019 |
Amount of extracted products Sevilla | Dataset | Sevilla | Junta de Andalucia Junta de Andalucia | 2019 |
Extraction & Harvesting infrastructures Seville | Shapefile | Sevilla | Junta de Andalucia Junta de Andalucia | 2019 |
Extraction Activities | Shapefile | Sevilla | Junta de Andalucia Junta de Andalucia | 2019 |
Extraction of peat in Mikkeli | Dataset | Mikkeli | V. Malk Malk, V. | 2019 |
A list of actors in Mikkeli by Nace codes | Dataset | Mikkeli | Seppälä J. Seppälä J. | 2018 |
A map of Mikkeli, its forests and agricultural areas for extraction and harvesting 2018 | Shapefile | Mikkeli | Liiteri Tietopalvelu Liiteri Tietopalvelu | 2018 |
Use of land in Mikkeli for extraction and harvesting, agriculture and forests 2018 | Dataset | Mikkeli | METLA et al. Finnish Environment insitute (partly: METLA, MMM, MML, DVV), Maanmittauslaitos, National Land survey of Finland. | 2018 |
Finlands Agriculture and food economy by LUKE | Report | Mikkeli | Niemi et al. Niemi, J., Väre M. | 2017 |
Recovery and potential of biodegradable waste from the forest industry, report 2017 | Report | Mikkeli | Virolainen P. Virolainen P. | 2017 |
Sevilla - Administrative boundaries | Shapefile | Sevilla | Urbanismo - Ayuntamiento de Sevilla Urbanismo - Ayuntamiento de Sevilla | 2014 |
GVA Sand & gravel - Seville | Report | Sevilla | Junta de Andalucia Junta de Andalucia | 2013 |
Fishing in Eastern Finland/Mikkeli Area, report on the fishing areas and professional fishing in the lakes in Mikkeli | Report | Mikkeli | Tuomainen et al. Tuomainen, M., Mölsä H. | 2011 |