Layer 1: Urban context
1.1.1. City boundaries
Title | Type | Author(s) | Year |
Apeldoorn city boundaries - districts | Shapefile | CBS Kadaster Kadaster, CBS | 2020 |
Apeldoorn city boundaries - neighbourhoods | Shapefile | CBS Kadaster Kadaster, CBS | 2020 |
Municipal boundaries Apeldoorn 2020 | Shapefile | CBS CBS | 2020 |
1.1.2. NUTS3 boundaries
Title | Type | Author(s) | Year |
NUTS 3 - 2016 | Shapefile | EUROSTAT EUROSTAT | 2020 |
1.1.3. NUTS2 boundaries
Title | Type | Author(s) | Year |
NUTS 2 - 2016 | Shapefile | EUROSTAT EUROSTAT | 2020 |
1.2.1. City population
Title | Type | Author(s) | Year |
Apeldoorn population (1995-2022) line graph | Image | Deniz Celik Deniz Celik | |
Population of Apeldoorn (1995-2022) | Dataset | CBS CBS | 2022 |
Households, composition and size per region 2000-2020 | Dataset | CBS CBS | 2020 |
Population size Apeldoorn (1995-2020) | Dataset | CBS CBS | 2020 |
TEST | Dataset | TEST TEST | 2020 |
Household prognosis per region (2020-2050) | Dataset | CBS CBS | 2019 |
Population size prognosis Apeldoorn (2020-2050) | Dataset | CBS CBS | 2019 |
Apeldoorn employment (2018) column graph | Image | Deniz Celik Deniz Celik | 2018 |
1.2.2. NUTS3 population
Title | Type | Author(s) | Year |
Households, composition and size per region 2000-2020 | Dataset | CBS CBS | 2020 |
Household prognosis per region (2020-2050) | Dataset | CBS CBS | 2019 |
1.2.3. NUTS2 population
Title | Type | Author(s) | Year |
Households, composition and size per region 2000-2020 | Dataset | CBS CBS | 2020 |
Household prognosis per region (2020-2050) | Dataset | CBS CBS | 2019 |
1.2.4. Country population
Title | Type | Author(s) | Year |
Households, composition and size per region 2000-2020 | Dataset | CBS CBS | 2020 |
Household prognosis per region (2020-2050) | Dataset | CBS CBS | 2019 |
1.4. Economic activity - figures (employees and GDP per NACE codes)
Title | Type | Author(s) | Year |
Veluwe GDP per sector 2016-2017 | Dataset | Tiffany Nicoli Tiffany Nicoli | 2022 |
1.4.1. City employment per NACE codes (at least level 2)
Title | Type | Author(s) | Year |
Apeldoorn employment per NACE codes 2010-2020 | Dataset | Deniz Celik Deniz Celik | 2020 |
Number of companies per SBI-code (1st to 5th digit), 2007-2020 | Dataset | CBS CBS | 2020 |
Apeldoorn City employment 2000-2019 | Dataset | PWE-Gelderland 2019 PWE-Gelderland 2019 | 2019 |
Jobs of employees from country - city level dec 2010 - dec 2019 | Dataset | CBS CBS | 2019 |
Apeldoorn employment per NACE codes - 2018 | Dataset | Deniz Celik Deniz Celik | 2018 |
1.4.2. NUTS3 employment per NACE codes (at least level 2)
Title | Type | Author(s) | Year |
Number of companies per SBI-code (1st to 5th digit), 2007-2020 | Dataset | CBS CBS | 2020 |
Jobs of employees from country - city level dec 2010 - dec 2019 | Dataset | CBS CBS | 2019 |
1.4.3. NUTS2 employment per NACE codes (at least level 2)
Title | Type | Author(s) | Year |
Jobs of employees from country - city level dec 2010 - dec 2019 | Dataset | CBS CBS | 2019 |
1.4.4. Country employment per NACE codes (at least level 2)
Title | Type | Author(s) | Year |
Financial data of companies 2009-2018 | Dataset | CBS CBS | 2020 |
Number of companies per SBI-code (1st to 5th digit), 2007-2020 | Dataset | CBS CBS | 2020 |
Jobs of employees from country - city level dec 2010 - dec 2019 | Dataset | CBS CBS | 2019 |
1.4.6. NUTS3 GDP or GVA per NACE codes (at least level 2)
Title | Type | Author(s) | Year |
Apeldoorn GDP per NACE codes) | Dataset | Tiffany Nicoli Tiffany Nicoli | 2022 |
Revenue per industry at national, NUTS2 and NUTS3 level, 2016-2017 | Dataset | CBS CBS | 2018 |
1.4.7. NUTS2 GDP or GVA per NACE codes (at least level 2)
Title | Type | Author(s) | Year |
Number of companies per SBI-code (1st to 5th digit), 2007-2020 | Dataset | CBS CBS | 2020 |
Revenue per industry at national, NUTS2 and NUTS3 level, 2016-2017 | Dataset | CBS CBS | 2018 |
1.4.8. Country GDP or GVA per NACE codes (at least level 2)
Title | Type | Author(s) | Year |
Financial data of companies 2009-2018 | Dataset | CBS CBS | 2020 |
Revenue per industry at national, NUTS2 and NUTS3 level, 2016-2017 | Dataset | CBS CBS | 2018 |
1.5. Policy documents
Title | Type | Author(s) | Year |
Dutch National Waste Management Plan (LAP3) 2017-2029 | Report | Infrastructure and (IenW) Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management (IenW) | 2019 |
1.6. Land use
Title | Type | Author(s) | Year |
Aggregated Land-use Apeldoorn 2015 | Shapefile | CBS and Kadaster CBS and Kadaster | 2015 |
Land use Apeldoorn 2015 | Shapefile | CBS and Kadaster CBS and Kadaster | 2015 |
Land-use Apeldoorn 2015 | Shapefile | CBS and Kadaster CBS and Kadaster | 2015 |