
Household Expenditure Survey 2015/2016

Statistics Portugal presents the statistical results from the Inquérito às Despesas das Famílias 2015/2016 (IDEF 2015/2016) on the structure of expenditures and the income distribution of households living in Portugal, as well as on their dwelling accommodation comfort. It is the most recent edition of a data series on household budgets, carried out in Portugal since the 60’s.

The Survey is carried out by Statistics Portugal every five years in order to periodically update the volume and structure of household expenditures. Therefore, it is an important element to determine the structure of consumption underpinning the Consumer Price Index and to calculate the final household consumption by Portuguese National Accounts. Moreover, it provides information on food quantities to the Portuguese Food Balance and is part of the EU compilation of Household Budget Surveys data.

This statistical information is organized in five dimensions: the distribution of the number of private households according to several socioeconomic characteristics; the average annual expenditure by private household; the average income by private household; the adult equivalent income, poverty and inequality; and a few well-being indicators. The publication also includes a chapter about sampling methodology and estimation.

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