
Land Use by Borough and Ward

Land Use Statistics by ward (Generalised Land Use Database) 2005 (Enhanced Basemap). Uses include, domestic buildings, gardens, non-domestic buildings, greenspace, paths, rail, road and water.

Area is presented in Thousands of square metres ('000s m2).

These are experimental Statistics - this information has been developed in accordance with the principles set out in the National Statistics Code of Practice but has yet to be fully accredited as a National Statistic.

Communities and Local Government consider the 2005 figures to be the definitive land use statistics. No further work is planned on the Generalised Land Use Database.

The statistics have been calculated for each ward. Generalised Land Use Database (GLUD) 2005 (Enhanced Basemap) statistics are available for a number of other administrative areas such as output areas and local authorities from

Open this dataset aggregated to borough level.

Associated space



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