Community Portal
Keily Mena Alfaro
- Signed up 4 years, 1 month ago
- Last seen 3 years, 1 month ago
Completed tasks
Date | Task | Project | Points |
Aug 18, 2020 |
Report uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities Library | 4 |
Nov 23, 2020 |
Dataset added to the data inventory
Extracción Pesca |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 2 |
Nov 23, 2020 |
Dataset added to the data inventory
Minería |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 2 |
Nov 23, 2020 |
Webpage uploaded to the library
Artesanías alajueliteñas se unen a Festival Folclórico |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Nov 23, 2020 |
Image uploaded to the library
Fabricación productos minerales no metálicos |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Nov 23, 2020 |
Image uploaded to the library
Fabricación: maquinaria, equipo y otros productos metálicos |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Nov 23, 2020 |
Dataset added to the data inventory
Fabricación metales básicos |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 2 |
Nov 23, 2020 |
Dataset added to the data inventory
Silvicultura |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 2 |
Nov 23, 2020 |
Dataset added to the data inventory
Pescar |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 2 |
Nov 23, 2020 |
Dataset added to the data inventory
Fabricación productos derivados del petróleo |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 2 |
Nov 23, 2020 |
Dataset added to the data inventory
Fabricación productos de caucho |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 2 |
Nov 23, 2020 |
Image uploaded to the library
Fabricación vehículos |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Nov 23, 2020 |
Image uploaded to the library
Fabricación electrónica |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Nov 23, 2020 |
Image uploaded to the library
Fabricación de madera |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 28, 2020 |
Report uploaded to the library
Acueducto Periurbano El Llano de Alajuelita |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 28, 2020 |
Webpage uploaded to the library
Recicladora San Miguel |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 28, 2020 |
Report uploaded to the library
Almacenamiento Bodegas |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 28, 2020 |
Report uploaded to the library
Supermercados, distribuidores mayoristas, mercados de productos |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 28, 2020 |
Report uploaded to the library
Línea SAN JOSÉ - ALAJUELITA - SAN FELIPE de autobús horarios y paradas |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 28, 2020 |
Report uploaded to the library
Línea SAN JOSÉ - ALAJUELITA - LA AURORA de autobús horarios y paradas |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 28, 2020 |
Report uploaded to the library
Línea SAN JOSÉ - ALAJUELITA - TEJARCILLOS de autobús horarios y paradas |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 28, 2020 |
Report uploaded to the library
Línea SAN JOSÉ - ALAJUELITA - EL LLANO de autobús horarios y paradas |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 28, 2020 |
Report uploaded to the library
Línea SAN JOSÉ - ALAJUELITA - CONCEPCIÓN de autobús horarios y paradas |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 28, 2020 |
Report uploaded to the library
Línea SAN JOSÉ - ALAJUELITA - FILTROS de autobús horarios y paradas |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 21, 2020 |
Report uploaded to the library
Fabricación papel |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 21, 2020 |
Report uploaded to the library
Fabricación productos químicos |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 12, 2020 |
Report uploaded to the library
Fabricación productos plásticos |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 11, 2020 |
Report uploaded to the library
Fabricación de muebles |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 11, 2020 |
Report uploaded to the library
Fabricación de textiles y confección |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 11, 2020 |
Report uploaded to the library
Producción de Bebidas |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 11, 2020 |
Report uploaded to the library
Productos alimenticios |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 11, 2020 |
Journal Article uploaded to the library
Pura Vida Mountain View Vacations Rentals |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 11, 2020 |
Journal Article uploaded to the library
Villas Cedros |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 10, 2020 |
Report uploaded to the library
Bares y Restaurantes por distrito |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 10, 2020 |
Report uploaded to the library
Bares y Restaurantes por distrito |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 10, 2020 |
Report uploaded to the library
Licencias de bares y restaurantes en el cantón de Alajuelita |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 07, 2020 |
Dataset added to the data inventory
Reglamento de Biocombustibles líquidos y sus mezclas |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 2 |
Sep 07, 2020 |
Map uploaded to the library
Planta de energía fotovoltaica solar en el Cantón de Alajuelita |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 07, 2020 |
Image uploaded to the library
Planta de energía fotovoltaica solar en el Cantón de Alajuelita |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 07, 2020 |
Report uploaded to the library
Informe sobre la auditoria operativa acerca de la capacidad operativa, desempeño y el mantenimiento de las subestaciones eléctricas |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 07, 2020 |
Report uploaded to the library
El Plan de Expansión de Transmisión 2017-2027 |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 07, 2020 |
Journal Article uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 07, 2020 |
Journal Article uploaded to the library
Nuevo puente permite servicio de bus en La Verbena |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 07, 2020 |
Journal Article uploaded to the library
Alajuelita con nuevo puente En quebrada Patalillo, Concepción |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 07, 2020 |
Journal Article uploaded to the library
Culmina la construcción de las instalaciones del Colegio Técnico Profesional de Alajuelita |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 07, 2020 |
Journal Article uploaded to the library
Mora y Alajuelita lideran crecimiento en construcción residencial |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 06, 2020 |
Dataset added to the data inventory
Alajuelita: Informe Cantonal de Población y Vivienda |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 2 |
Sep 06, 2020 |
Report uploaded to the library
Gráfico 34. Tenencia de la vivienda, asentamientos informales, 2011 Gráfico 35. Tenencia de la vivienda, asentamientos “formales”, 2011 |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 06, 2020 |
Report uploaded to the library
Gráfico 28. Destino de la obra residencial, Costa Rica, San José, Alajuelita y sus distritos, 2000-2013 |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 06, 2020 |
Report uploaded to the library
Gráfico 25. Cantidad de permisos de construcción residencial en los distritos de Alajuelita, 2000-2013 |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 06, 2020 |
Report uploaded to the library
Datos de permisos de construcción residencial Costa Rica, San José, Alajuelita y sus distritos, 2000-2013 |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 06, 2020 |
Map uploaded to the library
Zonificación Alajuelita |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 06, 2020 |
Report uploaded to the library
Total de fincas con cultivo de tomate por extensión sembrada y cosechada en hectáreas según provincia y cantón |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 06, 2020 |
Report uploaded to the library
Total de fincas con cultivo de plátano por extensión sembrada y en edad de producción en hectáreas según provincia y cantón, 2014 |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 06, 2020 |
Report uploaded to the library
Total de fincas con cultivo de naranja por extensión sembrada y en edad de producción en hectáreas y cantidad de plantas dispersas según provincia y cantón |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 06, 2020 |
Report uploaded to the library
Total de fincas con cultivo de mango por extensión sembrada y en edad de producción en hectáreas según provincia y cantón, 2014 |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 06, 2020 |
Report uploaded to the library
Total de fincas con cultivo de maíz por extensión sembrada y cosechada en hectáreas según provincia y cantón, 2014 |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 06, 2020 |
Report uploaded to the library
Total de fincas con cultivo de lechuga por extensión sembrada y cosechada en hectáreas según provincia y cantón |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 06, 2020 |
Report uploaded to the library
Total de fincas con cultivo de frijol por extensión sembrada y cosechada en hectáreas según provincia y cantón, 2014 |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 06, 2020 |
Report uploaded to the library
Total de fincas con cultivo de ciprés por extensión sembrada y en edad de producción en hectáreas y cantidad de plantas dispersas según provincia y cantón |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 06, 2020 |
Report uploaded to the library
Total de fincas con cultivo de chile por extensión sembrada y cosechada en hectáreas según provincia y cantón |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 06, 2020 |
Report uploaded to the library
Total de fincas con cultivo de cebolla por extensión sembrada y cosechada en hectáreas según provincia y cantón |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 06, 2020 |
Report uploaded to the library
Total de fincas con cultivo de caña de azúcar por extensión sembrada y en edad de producción en hectáreas según provincia y cantón |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 06, 2020 |
Report uploaded to the library
Total de fincas con cultivo de café por extensión sembrada y en edad de producción en hectáreas según provincia y cantón |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 06, 2020 |
Report uploaded to the library
Total de fincas con cultivo de banano por extensión sembrada y en edad de producción en hectáreas y cantidad de plantas dispersas según provincia y cantón |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 06, 2020 |
Report uploaded to the library
Total de fincas con cultivo de aguacate por extensión sembrada y en edad de producción en hectáreas y cantidad de plantas dispersas según provincia y cantón |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 06, 2020 |
GPS Coordinates uploaded to the library
Agricultura en Alajuelita |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 06, 2020 |
Image uploaded to the library
Agricultura en Alajuelita |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 06, 2020 |
Map uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 06, 2020 |
Video Recording uploaded to the library
45 productores de Alajuelita inaugurarán mercado este domingo |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 06, 2020 |
Video Recording uploaded to the library
45 productores de Alajuelita inaugurarán mercado este domingo |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 06, 2020 |
Map uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 06, 2020 |
Map uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 06, 2020 |
Report uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 06, 2020 |
Map uploaded to the library
Mapa de Zonificación del Uso de Suelo |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 03, 2020 |
Report uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 03, 2020 |
Dataset added to the data inventory
El clima promedio en Alajuelita Costa Rica |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 2 |
Sep 03, 2020 |
Dataset added to the data inventory
El clima promedio en Alajuelita Costa Rica |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 2 |
Sep 03, 2020 |
Dataset added to the data inventory
Calidad Microbiológica de las Fuentes de Agua Cruda de las 25 Plantas de Tratamiento de Agua Potable en CR 96-02 |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 2 |
Sep 03, 2020 |
Report uploaded to the library
Diagnóstico Socio Ambiental y Económico de la Zona Protectora Cerros de Escazú |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 03, 2020 |
Map uploaded to the library
Tipo de acuíferos de la ZPCE |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 03, 2020 |
Image uploaded to the library
Tipo de acuíferos de la ZPCE. Fuente: PRUGAM, Atlas ITCR, 2014 |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 03, 2020 |
Map uploaded to the library
Hidrología de la Zona Protectora de los Cerros de Escazú. |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 03, 2020 |
Image uploaded to the library
Zonas de Vida presentes en la Zona Protectora Cerros de Escazú |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 03, 2020 |
Report uploaded to the library
Diagnóstico Socio Ambiental y Económico de la Zona Protectora de los Cerros de Escazú |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 03, 2020 |
Map uploaded to the library
Zonas Protectoras - Plan GAM 2013 |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 03, 2020 |
Journal Article uploaded to the library
Crear corredor biológico para proteger naturaleza entre Curridabat y Santa Ana, propone Alcalde Abarcaría los cantones de Curridabat, Desamparados, Aserrí, Alajuelita, Escazú y Santa Ana |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 03, 2020 |
Journal Article uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 03, 2020 |
Journal Article uploaded to the library
Ministerio de Ambiente creará nueva categoría de área protegida para bosques urbanos |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 03, 2020 |
Image uploaded to the library
Evaluación de un protocolo de reforestación para la rehabilitación y mantenimiento |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 03, 2020 |
Thesis uploaded to the library
Evaluación de un protocolo de reforestación para la rehabilitación y mantenimiento en áreas de protección de la Subregión de San José, de la Gran Área Metropolitana |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 03, 2020 |
Journal Article uploaded to the library
Construyen vivero para ayudar a reforestar al cantón |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 03, 2020 |
Journal Article uploaded to the library
300 árboles nativos adornan intersección de la radial Alajuelita |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 03, 2020 |
Map uploaded to the library
Órdenes de Suelo en Costa Rica |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 03, 2020 |
Map uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 03, 2020 |
Map uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 03, 2020 |
Book uploaded to the library
EL Mapa de Suelos de Costa Rica |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 01, 2020 |
Map uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 01, 2020 |
Report uploaded to the library
Tipos de suelos en Alajuelita |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 31, 2020 |
Shapefile uploaded to the library
Alajuelita, cantón y distritos |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 6 |
Aug 26, 2020 |
Report uploaded to the library
Construcción de viviendas y apartamentos por número de permisos, número de viviendas, área en metros cuadrados y valor en miles de colones según provincia, cantón y grupos de área en metros cuadrados |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 26, 2020 |
Document uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 26, 2020 |
Document uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 26, 2020 |
Document uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 26, 2020 |
Document uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 26, 2020 |
Document uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 26, 2020 |
Document uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 26, 2020 |
Document uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 26, 2020 |
Document uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 26, 2020 |
Document uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 24, 2020 |
Dataset added to the data inventory |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 2 |
Aug 24, 2020 |
Dataset added to the data inventory
Estadísticas demográficas. 2000 – 2011. Estimaciones nacionales. Población total estimada al 30 de junio por grupos de edades, según provincia, cantón |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 2 |
Aug 24, 2020 |
Dataset added to the data inventory
Censo. 2011. Indicadores demográficos y sociales. |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 2 |
Aug 24, 2020 |
Image uploaded to the library
Cruz de Alajuelita |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 24, 2020 |
Image uploaded to the library
Cerro San Miguel |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 24, 2020 |
Image uploaded to the library
Alajuelita desde lo alto |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 25, 2020 |
Report uploaded to the library
Costa Rica Mapas de Pobreza 2011 |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 25, 2020 |
Webpage uploaded to the library
Índice de Desarrollo Humano |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 25, 2020 |
Webpage uploaded to the library
Último lugar en el Indicé de Desarrollo Humano |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 25, 2020 |
Dataset added to the data inventory
Patentes (comercios) Alajuelita |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 2 |
Aug 25, 2020 |
Report uploaded to the library
Zonificación Alajuelita |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Total | 454 |