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Change type of entry

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I'd like to add a file in an existing entry:

But the system is not allowing me to upload a file since I selected initially as URL.

How can I change this to "Report" and add a PDF file? Is it possible or I should create a new entry?


Same here I'd like to update this file:

Hello again,

We realised that Paula Castro can't edit the files I uploaded and vice-versa (image attached).

It is possible to change the permissions of that? Since we're working together in SCA Task and we need to have some flexibility to work.

Thanks a lot

Hi Carla,
1) At the moment, it is not possible to change the type of a record, but it is a useful thing to have and I will make a task for this, so that this is eventually possible. For now, I have manually changed the first one to a report and the second one to a dataset, so you should be able to attach a file to both.

2) This is very strange. Could it be that either of you is not logged in? You can't see the edit button unless you are logged in. If that isn't the issue, I will try to find out what is.

Hi Carolin,

1)Thanks for changed the type of record, so we can upload the documents.

2) No, we're logged in, we can't edit each other information.

Hi Carla and Carolin,

Just a quick note on point (2): the system is currently set up so that data uploaders can only edit their own content.

Carolin, we can consider making a change somehow but we have to figure out what the best way is to do so. For most data uploaders, this setting is good and prevents accidental (or malicious) editing of stuff they should not be editing. How about we give data processors the option to edit any record?

Hi Paul,
Aaaah, yes, I didn't know that, because I haven't experienced these limitations due to the permissions that I have. Your suggested solution sounds like a good way. Since they are all already data processors anyway (so that they build the flow diagrams), it would be very convenient if that also allowed them to edit each others document.
We just discussed that in the course meeting too and they'd really be in favour of that.

Do you need anything from my side for that?

No, I can work with this. Give me a few days, latest on Monday this should be done.

Ok, nice. Thanks Paul!

Hi Carla and Carolin, the option to edit an item if you have data processing permissions is now activated. Please try it again and let me know if it works.


Hi Paul,
I confirm that is working now.


Great, thanks Carla!

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