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Wrap up, paths-to-action and awards

AScUS (un)Conference 2024
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Dear AScUS people,
The spring holidays are over for most of us, and we have started the post-Unconference activities. We have had a wonderful time in Troyes and a lot of exciting and mind-opening discussions and talks. Thanks again to all of you for making AScUS 2024 such a remarkable event!! (disregarding the tripe sausages maybe)
We want this dynamic to be kept, and try to document all these ideas that have emerged, so we have them ready for the next edition of AScUS. The idea is to ‘save’ the current state of discussion and to be able to set up on them, develop them further, and do anything actionable that brings them to a next level, either as intermediate activity (such as an online workshop) or as a dedicated follow-up discussion session for the 4th AScUS Unconference.
We therefore invite you to open this document and to note down anything that you would like to discuss further, where you saw potentials for future collaborations or projects, need for further exchange, or anything else that you consider potentially actionable or a possible topic to be developed further as a path-to-action or a promising future AScUS activity. You may also comment on anything that you would like to change, any suggestions for improvements, or whatever you consider helpful for further AScUS editions. The document structure is a suggestion, so feel free to add a title if you feel the need.
Please note also that Nicola already sent around a path-to-action document with a survey. If possible, find some time to give feedback, because this is the idea of the PtA. Anyone who has not yet but still wants to submit a path-to-action document, you can now upload it on the website (go to 'My Account' and upload yout PtA), and eventually let us know so we can also remind people to contribute to it. You also have the Forum for posting further information.
Finally, due to the train schedule most participants left before the closing session, so we did not have any ordinary closing but decided to issue the awards online afterwards. However, for issuing awards we need your vote!! So please log in to the platform, go to Discussion sessions and cast your vote for your favourite discussion session! The most voted will receive an award! (unfortunately, no champagne, it is a virtual award now, but better than nothing)
That's all, again, thanks for being part of AScUS!

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