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Retag NUTS2 and 3 shapefiles for CityLoops

Created on Thursday 11 February 2021, 07:43

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    General review work
  • Assigned to
    Carolin Bellstedt
  • Subscribers
    Carolin Bellstedt

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At the moment, we have all NUTS shapefiles tagged with the MoC "1.1 Administrative boundaries" tag and in Brussels. But since the CL cities will actually be working with those and it would be helpful for them to see that it already exists, we should retag them. There are other NUTS shapefiles in the MoC Data Hub, see screenshot, but we can leave those "in Brussels" for now.

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New task was created

Task was assigned to Carolin Bellstedt

Status change: Open → In Progress

I have retagged them. Of course, they have lost their original tag on the Brussels Data Hub now and appear in the untagged documents there, but that's ok. I've also tagged the 7 CL cities (but left Brussels), so it would show up in their own data collection overviews.

Status change: In Progress → Completed