Biomass Export Flows








We are showing the first 100 records.
Date Quantity Material From To
163.0 t Cereals Jamaica Rest of the world
5.0 t Roots, tubers Jamaica Rest of the world
538942.0 t Sugar crops Jamaica Rest of the world
4.0 t Pulses Jamaica Rest of the world
Nuts Jamaica Rest of the world
2181.0 t Oil crops Jamaica Rest of the world
485.0 t Vegetables Jamaica Rest of the world
147016.0 t Fruits Jamaica Rest of the world
12950.0 t Other crops n.e.c. Jamaica Rest of the world
43.0 t Meat Jamaica Rest of the world
67.0 t Milk and Eggs Jamaica Rest of the world
474.0 t Others Jamaica Rest of the world
350.1 t Wood Jamaica Rest of the world
711.0 t Feed Jamaica Rest of the world
1.0 t Fish Jamaica Rest of the world
189.0 t Cereals Jamaica Rest of the world
10.0 t Roots, tubers Jamaica Rest of the world
498649.0 t Sugar crops Jamaica Rest of the world
10.0 t Pulses Jamaica Rest of the world
Nuts Jamaica Rest of the world
9306.0 t Oil crops Jamaica Rest of the world
612.0 t Vegetables Jamaica Rest of the world
153590.0 t Fruits Jamaica Rest of the world
12807.0 t Other crops n.e.c. Jamaica Rest of the world
29.0 t Meat Jamaica Rest of the world
63.0 t Milk and Eggs Jamaica Rest of the world
429.0 t Others Jamaica Rest of the world
382.4 t Wood Jamaica Rest of the world
1174.0 t Feed Jamaica Rest of the world
2.0 t Fish Jamaica Rest of the world
110.0 t Cereals Jamaica Rest of the world
2.0 t Roots, tubers Jamaica Rest of the world
499201.0 t Sugar crops Jamaica Rest of the world
60.0 t Pulses Jamaica Rest of the world
Nuts Jamaica Rest of the world
507.0 t Oil crops Jamaica Rest of the world
981.0 t Vegetables Jamaica Rest of the world
179503.0 t Fruits Jamaica Rest of the world
13056.0 t Other crops n.e.c. Jamaica Rest of the world
24.0 t Meat Jamaica Rest of the world
76.0 t Milk and Eggs Jamaica Rest of the world
302.0 t Others Jamaica Rest of the world
207.2 t Wood Jamaica Rest of the world
790.0 t Feed Jamaica Rest of the world
3.0 t Fish Jamaica Rest of the world
132.0 t Cereals Jamaica Rest of the world
Roots, tubers Jamaica Rest of the world
520843.0 t Sugar crops Jamaica Rest of the world
Pulses Jamaica Rest of the world
Nuts Jamaica Rest of the world
203.0 t Oil crops Jamaica Rest of the world
821.0 t Vegetables Jamaica Rest of the world
183903.0 t Fruits Jamaica Rest of the world
14733.0 t Other crops n.e.c. Jamaica Rest of the world
10.0 t Meat Jamaica Rest of the world
78.0 t Milk and Eggs Jamaica Rest of the world
379.0 t Others Jamaica Rest of the world
132.0 t Wood Jamaica Rest of the world
292.0 t Feed Jamaica Rest of the world
1.0 t Fish Jamaica Rest of the world
182.0 t Cereals Jamaica Rest of the world
3.0 t Roots, tubers Jamaica Rest of the world
541469.0 t Sugar crops Jamaica Rest of the world
4.0 t Pulses Jamaica Rest of the world
Nuts Jamaica Rest of the world
1526.0 t Oil crops Jamaica Rest of the world
617.0 t Vegetables Jamaica Rest of the world
214888.0 t Fruits Jamaica Rest of the world
13402.0 t Other crops n.e.c. Jamaica Rest of the world
8.0 t Meat Jamaica Rest of the world
81.0 t Milk and Eggs Jamaica Rest of the world
554.0 t Others Jamaica Rest of the world
132.0 t Wood Jamaica Rest of the world
510.0 t Feed Jamaica Rest of the world
1.0 t Fish Jamaica Rest of the world
339.0 t Cereals Jamaica Rest of the world
120.0 t Roots, tubers Jamaica Rest of the world
560297.0 t Sugar crops Jamaica Rest of the world
3.0 t Pulses Jamaica Rest of the world
Nuts Jamaica Rest of the world
1893.0 t Oil crops Jamaica Rest of the world
3391.0 t Vegetables Jamaica Rest of the world
210279.0 t Fruits Jamaica Rest of the world
15680.0 t Other crops n.e.c. Jamaica Rest of the world
10.0 t Meat Jamaica Rest of the world
100.0 t Milk and Eggs Jamaica Rest of the world
501.0 t Others Jamaica Rest of the world
Wood Jamaica Rest of the world
236.0 t Feed Jamaica Rest of the world
1.0 t Fish Jamaica Rest of the world
100.0 t Cereals Jamaica Rest of the world
782.0 t Roots, tubers Jamaica Rest of the world
481190.0 t Sugar crops Jamaica Rest of the world
Pulses Jamaica Rest of the world
Nuts Jamaica Rest of the world
291.0 t Oil crops Jamaica Rest of the world
4082.0 t Vegetables Jamaica Rest of the world
200900.0 t Fruits Jamaica Rest of the world
16179.0 t Other crops n.e.c. Jamaica Rest of the world
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