Extended wood-based sector

Building Figure 1 of "The EU Bioeconomy: Supporting an Employment Shift Downstream in the Wood-Based Value Chains?" https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/12/3/758/htm

"In this study, we attempt a more comprehensive analysis of the employment in the wood-based value chains, ranging from activities in the forest-based sector (forestry and the primary processing activities) to Wood-based secondary processing and manufacturing activities, which are defined as the collection of industries—outside the forest-based sector—that use wood-based products and services in their production activity. This includes the production of pieces of furniture mainly made of wood, wooden or cork flooring and insulation, wooden carpentry, wooden houses, hard copies of books, newspapers, brochures, fliers, bioenergy, as well as bio-chemicals from the forest. It includes both product manufacturing and intellectual activities such as conception and design, e.g., in construction and publishing (see Figure 1). Together, the wood-based primary and secondary processing are designated as the extended wood-based sector. Growing activities that make use of forest ecosystem services, such as water depuration, land restoration, soil stabilisation and recreation would be part of the forest-based services. They are beyond the scope of this study, as data are still too scarce for a more comprehensive assessment covering all EU member states. Further, to account for the overall impact of the extended wood-based sector on the economy, supporting sectors should also be considered. Supporting sectors are all of the sectors providing services or material that allow for the functioning of the forest-based and forest-related sectors, e.g., the supply of machinery, energy, transport, and sale. Some activities in these sectors depend on the demand for services and machinery in the extended wood-based sector. However, data describing the links are scarce. The use of multipliers or macroeconomic modelling would be more appropriate to estimate these interlinks [23]. In this study, we focus on the wood-based value chains, which include forestry (A02), primary processing (C16 and C17), and wood-based secondary processing and manufacturing sectors (C18, C31, D35, F, and J58)."