Eurostat databases

This is an overview and management system used internally by Metabolism of Cities to classify which Eurostat datasets are relevant for CityLoops.

« first previous 7862 records | 6210 datasets. Page 8 of 8.
Options Title
                Employment rate by sex
                Employment rate by age
                Employment rate by educational attainment level
                Unemployment rate by sex
                Unemployment rate by age
                Unemployment rate by educational attainment level
                Activity rate by sex
                Activity rate by age
                Youth unemployment rate by sex
            Labour market dynamics
                Long-term unemployment rate by sex
                Employment in current job by duration
                Labour transitions from temporary to permanent contracts by sex -3-year average
            Income, including employment-related
                The real gross disposable income of households per capita (index = 2008)
                In-work at-risk-of-poverty rate by sex
        Public support / Social protection and inclusion
            Impact of public policies on reducing poverty
                Impact of social transfers (excluding pensions) on poverty reduction by sex
                General government expenditure by function
                Aggregate replacement ratio for pensions (excluding other social benefits) by sex
            Early childhood education and care
                Children aged less than 3 years in formal childcare
                Self-reported unmet need for medical care by sex
                Out-of-pocket expenditure on healthcare
                Healthy life years at age 65 by sex
                Life expectancy at age 65 by sex
                Individuals who have basic or above basic overall digital skills by sex
        EPSR indicators by regions and degree of urbanisation
            Impact of social transfers (excluding pensions) on poverty reduction by sex and NUTS 2 regions
            Gender employment gap by NUTS 2 regions 
            Gender employment gap by degree of urbanisation
Cross cutting topics
    Quality of life
        Material living conditions
                Mean and median income by age and sex - EU-SILC and ECHP surveys
                Income quintile share ratio S80/S20 for disposable income by sex and age group - EU-SILC survey
                At-risk-of-poverty rate anchored at a fixed moment in time (2008) by age and sex - EU-SILC survey
                Main GDP aggregates per capita
            Material conditions
                Material deprivation
                    Severe material deprivation rate by age and sex
                    Inability to make ends meet - EU-SILC survey
                Housing conditions
                    Total population living in a dwelling with a leaking roof, damp walls, floors or foundation, or rot in window frames or floor - EU-SILC survey
                    Share of people living in under-occupied dwellings by household type and income quintile - total population - EU-SILC survey
        Productive or other main activity
            Quantity of employment
                Employment and unemployment
                    Unemployment rates by sex, age and educational attainment level (%)
                    People living in households with very low work intensity by age and sex (population aged 0 to 59 years)
                    People living in households with very low work intensity by income quintile and household type (population aged 0 to 59 years)
            Quality of employment
                Income and benefits from employment
                    Low-wage earners as a proportion of all employees (excluding apprentices) by age
                    Low-wage earners as a proportion of all employees (excluding apprentices) by educational attainment level
                Temporary work
                    Part-time employment and temporary contracts - annual data 
                Over qualification
                    Self-declared over-qualified employees as percentage of the total employees by sex, age, migration status and educational attainment level
                Health and safety at work
                    Persons reporting  an accident at work by sex, age and professional status
                    Persons reporting a work-related health problem by sex, age and educational attainment level
                    Persons reporting exposure to risk factors that can adversely affect physical health by sex, age and educational attainment level
                    Persons reporting exposure to risk factors that can adversely affect mental well-being by sex, age and educational attainment level
                Work/life balance
                    Employed persons working on Saturdays as a percentage of the total employment, by sex, age and professional status (%)
                    Employed persons working on Sundays as a percentage of the total employment, by sex, age and professional status (%)
                    Employees by flexibility of their working schedule and educational attainment level (1 000)
                Assessment of the job quality
            Other main activity
                Inactive population
                    Inactive population as a percentage of the total population, by sex and age (%)
                Unpaid work
                    Time spent in total work (paid and unpaid work as main or secondary activity) by sex and by form of work
            Health status
                Self-perceived health by sex, age and educational attainment level
                Self-perceived health by sex, age and income quintile
                Current depressive symptoms by sex, age and educational attainment level
                Current depressive symptoms by sex, age and income quintile
            Determinants of health
                Body mass index (BMI) by sex, age and income quintile
                Daily smokers of cigarettes by sex, age and educational attainment level
                Daily smokers of cigarettes by sex, age and income quintile
                Frequency of heavy episodic drinking by sex, age and educational attainment level
                Frequency of heavy episodic drinking by sex, age and income quintile
                Performing (non-work-related) physical activities by sex, age and educational attainment level 
                Time spent on health-enhancing (non-work-related) aerobic physical activity by sex, age and educational attainment level
                Daily consumption of fruit and vegetables by sex, age and educational attainment level
            Access to healthcare
                Self-reported unmet needs for medical examination by sex, age, main reason declared and educational attainment level
            Educational attainment
                Population by educational attainment level, sex and age (%) - main indicators
            Self reported skills
            Lifelong learning
            Opportunities of education
                Participation/ enrolment in education (ISCED 0-4)
        Leisure and social interactions
                Quantity of leisure
                    Participation in any cultural or sport activities in the last 12 months by sex, age and educational attainment level
                    Participation in any cultural or sport activities in the last 12 months by income quintile, household type and degree of urbanisation
                    Frequency of participation in cultural or sport activities in the last 12 months by sex, age, educational attainment level and activity type
                    Frequency of participation in cultural or sport activities in the last 12 months by income quintile, household type, degree of urbanisation and activity type
                    Time spent, participation time and participation rate in the main activity by sex and educational attainment level
                Quality of leisure
                Access to leisure
                    Reasons of non-participation in cultural or sport activities in the last 12 months by sex, age, educational attainment level and activity type
                    Reasons of non-participation in cultural or sport activities in the last 12 months by  income quintile, household type, degree of urbanisation and activity type
            Social interactions
                Relations with people
                    Frequency of getting together with family and relatives or friends by sex, age and educational attainment level
                    Frequency of getting together with family and relatives or friends by  income quintile, household type and degree of urbanisation 
                    Frequency of contacts with family and relatives or friends by sex, age and educational attainment level
                    Frequency of contacts with family and relatives or friends by income quintile, household type and degree of urbanisation 
                Activities for people
                    Participation in formal or informal voluntary activities, or active citizenship by income quintile, household type and degree of urbanisation
                    Reasons of non-participation in formal or informal voluntary activities, active citizenship in the last 12 months by sex, age and educational attainment level
                    Reasons of non-participation in formal or informal voluntary activities, active citizenship  in the last 12 months by income quintile, household type and degree of urbanisation
                Social support
                    Persons who have someone to ask for help by sex, age and educational attainment level
                    Persons who have someone to discuss personal matters by sex, age and educational attainment level
                Social cohesion
        Economic security and physical safety
            Economic security
                    Inability to face unexpected financial expenses - EU-SILC survey
                    Arrears (mortgage or rent, utility bills or hire purchase) from 2003 onwards - EU-SILC survey
                Income insecurity
                    Labour transitions by employment status
            Physical safety
                Recorded offences by offence category - police data
                Crime, violence or vandalism in the area - EU-SILC survey
        Governance and basic rights
            Trust in institutions and public services
                Average rating of trust by domain, sex, age and educational attainment level
            Discrimination and equal opportunities
                Gender employment gap
            Active citizenship
                Participation in formal or informal voluntary activities or active citizenship by sex, age and educational attainment level
        Natural and living environment
                Exposure to air pollution by particulate matter (source: EEA)
                Pollution, grime or other environmental problems - EU-SILC survey
                Noise from neighbours or from the street - EU-SILC survey
            Landscape and built environment
        Overall experience of life
            Life satisfaction
                Average rating of satisfaction by domain, sex, age and educational attainment level
                Percentage of the population rating their satisfaction as high, medium or low by domain, sex, age and educational attainment level
                Frequency of being happy in the last 4 weeks by age, sex and educational attainment level
    Migrant integration and children in migration
        Migrant integration
            City statistics
                Population by citizenship and country of birth - cities and greater cities
                Population by citizenship and country of birth - functional urban areas
            Social inclusion
                Income distribution and monetary poverty
                    Mean and median income by broad group of citizenship (population aged 18 and over)
                    Mean and median income by broad group of country of birth (population aged 18 and over)
                    At-risk-of-poverty rate by broad group of citizenship (population aged 18 and over)
                    At-risk-of-poverty rate by broad group of country of birth (population aged 18 and over)
                    In-work at-risk-of-poverty rate by broad group of citizenship (population aged 18 and over)
                    In-work at-risk-of-poverty rate by broad group of country of birth (population aged 18 and over)
                People at risk of poverty and social exclusion
                    People at risk of poverty or social exclusion by broad group of citizenship (population aged 18 and over)
                    People at risk of poverty or social exclusion by broad group of country of birth (population aged 18 and over)
                    At-risk-of poverty rate for children by citizenship of their parents (population aged 0 to 17 years)
                    At-risk-of poverty rate for children by country of birth of their parents (population aged 0 to 17 years)
                    Persons aged 18 and over by risk of poverty, material deprivation, work intensity of the household and citizenship of the person - intersections of Europe 2020 poverty target indicators
                    Persons aged 18 and over by risk of poverty, material deprivation, work intensity of the household and country of birth of the person - intersections of Europe 2020 poverty target indicators
                Living condition
                    Distribution of population by broad group of citizenship and tenure status (population aged 18 and over)
                    Distribution of population by broad group of country of birth and tenure status (population aged 18 and over)
                    Housing cost overburden rate by age, sex and broad group of citizenship (total population aged 18 and over)
                    Housing cost overburden rate by age, sex and broad group of country of birth (total population aged 18 and over)
                    Overcrowding rate by age, sex and broad group of citizenship (total population aged 18 and over)
                    Overcrowding rate by age, sex and broad group of country of birth (total population aged 18 and over)
                    People living in households with very low work intensity by broad group of citizenship (population aged 18 to 59 years)
                    People living in households with very low work intensity by broad group of country of birth (population aged 18 to 59 years)
                Material deprivation
                    Severe material deprivation rate by broad group of citizenship (population aged 18 and over)
                    Severe material deprivation rate by broad group of country of birth (population aged 18 and over)
                    Material and social deprivation rate by age, sex and broad group of citizenship
                    Material and social deprivation rate by age, sex and broad group of country of birth
                Health status
                    Self-perceived health by sex, age and groups of country of birth
                    Self-perceived health by sex, age and groups of country of citizenship
                    People having a long-standing illness or health problem, by sex, age and groups of country of birth
                    People having a long-standing illness or health problem, by sex, age and groups of country of citizenship
                    Self-perceived long-standing limitations in usual activities due to health problem by sex, age and groups of country of birth
                    Self-perceived long-standing limitations in usual activities due to health problem by sex, age and groups of country of citizenship
                    Severity of current depressive symptoms by sex, age and country of citizenhip
                    Current depressive symptoms by sex, age and country of birth
                    Current depressive symptoms by sex, age and country of citizenship
                    Severity of current depressive symptoms by sex, age and country of birth
                    Severity of bodily pain by sex, age and country of birth
                    Severity of bodily pain by sex, age and country of citizenship
                    Persons reporting a chronic disease, by disease, sex, age and contry of birth
                    Persons reporting a chronic disease, by disease, sex, age and broad group of citizenship
                Health determinants
                    Body mass index (BMI) by sex, age and country of birth
                    Body mass index (BMI) by sex, age and country of citizenship
                    Performing health-enhancing physical activity by sex, age and country of birth
                    Performing health-enhancing physical activity by sex, age and country of citizenship
                    Daily consumption of fruit and vegetables by sex, age and country of birth
                    Daily consumption of fruit and vegetables by sex, age and country of citizenship
                    Frequency of fruit and vegetables consumption by sex, age and country of birth
                    Frequency of fruit and vegetables consumption by sex, age and country of citizenship
                    Smoking of tobacco products by sex, age and country of birth
                    Smoking of tobacco products by sex, age and country of citizenship
                    Frequency of alcohol consumption by sex, age and country of birth
                    Frequency of alcohol consumption by sex, age and country of citizenship
                    Overall perceived social support by sex, age and country of birth
                    Overall perceived social support by sex, age and country of citizenship
                Health care
                    Self-reported unmet needs for medical examination by sex, age, main reason declared and groups of country of birth  
                    Self-reported unmet needs for medical examination by sex, age, main reason declared and groups of country of citizenship
                    Self-reported unmet needs for dental examination by sex, age, main reason declared and groups of country of birth
                    Self-reported unmet needs for dental examination by sex, age, main reason declared and groups of country of citizenship
                Distribution of the population by educational attainment level
                Early leavers from education and training
                Young people by educational and labour status (incl. neither in employment nor in education and training - NEET)
                    Young people neither in employment nor in education and training by sex, age and country of birth (NEET rates)
                Participation in lifelong learning of population aged 18+ 
            Education - regional series
                Distribution of the population by educational attainment level
                    Population by educational attainment level, sex, age, country of birth and degree of urbanisation (%)
                    Population by educational attainment level, sex, age, citizenship and degree of urbanisation (%)
                    Population by educational attainment level, sex, age, country of birth and NUTS 2 regions (%)
                    Population by educational attainment level, sex, age, citizenship and NUTS 2 regions (%)
                Young people by educational and labour status (incl. neither in employment nor in education and training - NEET)
                    Young people neither in employment nor in education and training by sex, age, citizenship and degree of urbanisation (NEET rates)
                    Young people neither in employment nor in education and training by sex, age, country of birth and NUTS 2 regions (NEET rates)
                    Young people neither in employment nor in education and training by sex, age, citizenship and NUTS 2 regions (NEET rates)
                Population by sex, age, citizenship and labour status (1 000)
                Population by sex, age, country of birth and labour status
                Activity rates
                    Activity rates by sex, age and citizenship (%)
                    Activity rates by sex, age, educational attainment level and citizenship
                    Activity rates by sex, age and country of birth  (%)
                    Activity rates by sex, age, educational attainment level and country of birth
                    Long-term unemployment (12 months or more) as a percentage of the total unemployment, by sex, age and citizenship (%)
                    Long-term unemployment (12 months or more) as a percentage of the total unemployment, by sex, age and country of birth (%)
                    Supplementary indicators to unemployment by sex and citizenship
                    Supplementary indicators to unemployment by sex and country of birth
                Employment and self-employment
                    Employment rates by sex, age, educational attainment level and citizenship
                    Employment rates by sex, age, educational attainment level and country of birth
                    Employment rates of young people not in education and training by sex, educational attainment level, years since completion of highest level of education and country of birth
                    Newly employed (share of people in current job for 12 months or less, in total employment) by age, professional status and country of birth
            Employment - regional series
                Regional population
                    Population by sex, age, citizenship, labour status and NUTS 2 regions
                    Population by sex, age, country of birth, labour status and NUTS 2 regions
                    Population by sex, age, citizenship, labour status and degree of urbanisation
                    Population by sex, age, country of birth, labour status and degree of urbanisation
                Activity rates
                    Activity rates by sex, age, educational attainment level, citizenship and NUTS 2 regions
                    Activity rates by sex, age, educational attainment level, country of birth and NUTS 2 regions
                    Activity rates by sex, age, educational attainment level, citizenship and degree of urbanisation
                    Activity rates by sex, age, educational attainment level, country of birth and degree of urbanisation
                    Unemployment by sex, age, country of birth and NUTS 2 regions
                    Unemployment by sex, age, citizenship and NUTS 2 regions
                    Unemployment by sex, age, citizenship and degree of urbanisation
                    Unemployment rates by sex, age, country of birth and NUTS 2 regions
                    Unemployment rates by sex, age, citizenship and NUTS 2 regions
                    Unemployment rates by sex, age, country of birth and degree of urbanisation
                    Unemployment rates by sex, age, citizenship and degree of urbanisation
                Employment and self-employment
                    Employment rates by sex, age, educational attainment level, citizenship and NUTS 2 regions
                    Employment rates by sex, age, educational attainment level, country of birth and NUTS 2 regions
                    Employment rates by sex, age, educational attainment level, citizenship and degree of urbanisation
                    Employment rates by sex, age, educational attainment level, country of birth and degree of urbanisation
                    Part-time employment by sex, age, educational attainment level, country of birth and degree of urbanisation
                    Part-time employment by sex, age, educational attainment level, citizenship and degree of urbanisation
                    Self-employment by sex, age, country of birth and degree of urbanisation
                    Self-employment by sex, age, citizenship and degree of urbanisation
                    Temporary employees by sex, age, educational attainment level, country of birth and degree of urbanisation
                    Temporary employees by sex, age, educational attainment level, citizenship and degree of urbanisation
            Active citizenship
                Long-term residents among all non-EU citizens holding residence permits by citizenship on 31 December (%)
                Residents who acquired citizenship as a share of resident non-citizens by former citizenship and sex
            Recent immigrants – LFS series
                Recent immigrants by sex, age and citizenship
                Recent immigrants by sex, age and country of birth
                Active recent immigrants by sex, age and citizenship
                Active recent immigrants by sex, age and country of birth
                Employed recent immigrants by sex, age and citizenship
                Employed recent immigrants by sex, age and country of birth
            LFS ad-hoc modules on migrants
                2014. Migration and labour market
                    Immigrants and their descendants
                        Population by sex, age, migration status and citizenship
                        Population by sex, age, migration status and country of birth
                        Population by sex, age, migration status, country of birth  and country of birth of parents
                        Population by sex, age, migration status and degree of urbanisation
                        Ranking of country of birth of first generation of immigrants by sex and age
                        Ranking of citizenship by sex, age and migration status
                    Background of immigrants and their descendants
                        Educational attainment level (ISCED11) distribution by sex, age, migration status and educational attainment level of parents (ISCED11F)
                        First generation of immigrants by sex, citizenship, duration and reason for migration
                        Skills in host country language by migration status and citizenship
                    Labour market situation of immigrants
                        Labour status distribution of the population by sex, age, migration status and educational attainment level
                        Activity rate by sex, age, migration status, citizenship and educational attainment level
                        Employment rate by sex, age, migration status, citizenship and educational attainment level
                        Employment rate of first generation of immigrants by sex, age, years of residence and reason for migration 
                        Employment by migration status, professional status, type of contract and full/part time
                        Methods to find current job by migration status, educational attainment level and type of contract
                        Employees by migration status, educational attainment level, occupation and working time
                    Immigrants and their main obstacles in participating in labour market
                        Obstacles to getting a suitable job by migration status, labour status and citizenship (%)
                        Obstacles to getting a suitable job by migration status, labour status and educational attainment level (%)
                    Immigrants and households
                        Households by migration status, country of birth of parents and household composition
                        Households by migration status, working status and years of residence
                        Households by country of birth of parents, working status and years of residence
                2008. Labour market situation of migrants
                    Population by country of birth, country of birth of parents, sex, age and labour status (1 000)
                    Population by country of birth, country of birth of parents, sex, age, educational attainment level and labour status (1 000)
                    Percentage distribution of main reason for migration, by country of birth, sex and age (% of total migrants)
                    Percentage distribution of main reason for migration, years of residence, sex and age (% of total migrants)
        Children in migration (asylum and managed migration)
            Asylum statistics on children
                Asylum and first time asylum applicants by citizenship, age and sex Annual aggregated data (rounded)
                Asylum applications withdrawn by citizenship, age and sex Annual aggregated data (rounded)
                Asylum applications withdrawn by citizenship, age and sex Monthly data (rounded)
                First instance decisions on applications by citizenship, age and sex Annual aggregated data (rounded)
                First instance decisions on applications by citizenship, age and sex Quarterly data (rounded)
                Final decisions on applications by citizenship, age and sex Annual data (rounded)
                Resettled persons by age, sex and citizenship Annual data (rounded)
                Asylum applicants considered to be unaccompanied minors by citizenship, age and sex Annual data (rounded)
            Residence permits statistics on children
                First permits by reason, age, sex and citizenship
                All valid permits by age, sex and citizenship on 31 December of each year
                Long-term residents by age, sex and citizenship on 31 December of each year
            Enforcement of immigration legislation statistics on children
                Third country nationals found to be illegally present - annual data (rounded)
                Third country nationals ordered to leave - annual data (rounded)
                Third country nationals ordered to leave by citizenship, age and sex - quarterly data (rounded)
                Third country nationals returned following an order to leave - annual data (rounded)
                Third country nationals returned following an order to leave by citizenship age and sex - quarterly data (rounded) 
    Economic globalisation indicators
        International trade
            Exports of goods and services in % of GDP
            Imports of goods and services in % of GDP
            Export to import ratio
        Foreign direct investment
            Inward FDI stocks in % of GDP
            Outward FDI stocks in % of GDP
            FDI flows intensity, market integration
            Employment in Foreign Controlled Enterprises
            Employment in Foreign Affiliates of Domestic Enterprises
        Research and development
            Intra-mural Business Enterprise R&D Expenditures in Foreign Controlled Enterprises
        Value added
            Value Added in Foreign Controlled Enterprises
    Equality (age and gender)
        Age equality
            Labour market
            Earnings and social inclusion
                Gender pay gap in unadjusted form by age - NACE Rev. 2 activity (B-S except O), structure of earnings survey methodology
                At-risk-of-poverty rate before social transfers (pensions excluded from social transfers) by poverty threshold, age and sex - EU-SILC and ECHP surveys
                Material deprivation rate for the 'Economic strain' and 'Durables' dimensions, by number of item of deprivation - EU-SILC survey
                Severe housing deprivation rate by age, sex and poverty status - EU-SILC survey
                Overcrowding rate by age, sex and poverty status - total population - EU-SILC survey
                Life expectancy by age, sex and educational attainment level
            Digital economy and society
        Gender equality
            Labour market
                Employment and activity by sex and age  - annual data 
                Unemployment by sex and age – annual data
                Long-term unemployment  by sex - annual average
            Earnings and social inclusion
                Structure of earnings survey: hourly earnings
                People at risk of poverty or social exclusion by age and sex
                At-risk-of-poverty rate by poverty threshold, age and sex - EU-SILC and ECHP surveys
                Relative median income ratio (65+) - EU-SILC and ECHP surveys
                Gender overall earnings gap
                Percentage of part-time employment of adults by sex, age groups, number of children and age of youngest child
                Children in formal childcare or education by age group and duration - % over the population of each age group - EU-SILC survey
                Life expectancy by age and sex
                Healthy life years by sex  (from 2004 onwards)
                Hospital discharges by diagnosis, in-patients, per 100 000 inhabitants
            Digital economy and society
                Individuals - internet use
                E-banking and e-commerce
    Quality of employment
        Safety and ethics of employment
            Safety at work
                Number of fatal accidents at work by Member State and age, excluding road traffic accidents and accidents on board of any mean of transport in the course of work
                Fatal Accidents at work by NACE Rev. 2 activity
                Number of accidents at work by NACE Rev. 1.1 activity, severity and sex
                Non-fatal accidents at work by NACE Rev. 2 activity and sex
                Persons reporting exposure to risk factors that can adversely affect mental well-being by sex, age and NACE Rev. 1.1 activity 
                Persons reporting exposure to risk factors that can adversely affect mental well-being by sex, age and NACE Rev. 2 activity
                Persons reporting exposure to risk factors that can adversely affect physical health by sex, age and NACE Rev. 1.1 activity 
                Persons reporting exposure to risk factors that can adversely affect physical health by sex, age and NACE Rev. 2 activity 
            Fair treatment in employment
                Employed persons discriminated at work during the last 12 months by sex and age (source: Eurofound) 
                Employed women being in managerial positions by age
        Income and benefits from employment
            Income from employment
                Structure of earnings survey: monthly earnings
                Low-wage earners as a proportion of all employees (excluding apprentices) by sex
        Working time and work-life balance
            Working hours
                Average number of usual weekly hours of work in main job, by sex, professional status, full-time/part-time and economic activity (1983-2008, NACE Rev. 1.1) - hours
                Weekly working hours by sex, age, professional status and occupation
                Employed persons having more than one job by sex
            Working time arrangements
                Employed persons working at nights as a percentage of the total employment, by sex, age and professional status (%)
                Employed persons working in the evenings as a percentage of the total employment, by sex, age and professional status (%)
                Work on weekends by sex, age, professional status and occupation
                Employees with a flexible work schedule by sex
            Work-life balance
                Employment rate of adults by sex, age groups, educational attainment level, number of children and age of youngest child (%)
                Percentage of employed adults working at home by sex, age groups, number of children and age of youngest child
                Mean duration of commuting time one-way between work and home by sex and age (source: Eurofound)
        Security of employment and social protection
            Temporary employment agency workers by sex, age and NACE Rev. 2 activity
            Temporary employment agency workers by sex, age and NACE Rev. 1.1 activity
            Precarious employment by sex, age and NACE Rev. 1.1 activity
            Employed persons expecting a possible loss of their job in the next 6 months by sex and age (source: Eurofound)
            Employed persons being self-employed without employees by sex
        Social dialogue
            2014 - Number of employees by sex, economic activity and collective pay agreement
            2010 - Number of employees by sex, economic activity and collective pay agreement
            2006 - Number of employees by economic activity, collective pay agreement, sex
            2002 - Number of employees by economic activity, collective pay agreement, sex, employment contract
        Skills development and training
            Employed persons participating in job-related non-formal education and training in the past 12 months by sex and age (source: Eurofound)
            Volume of job-related non-formal education and training per participant in the last 12 months by duration, sex and age (source: Eurofound)
            Employed persons perceiving that their job-related non-formal education and training helped to improve the way they work by sex and age  (source: Eurofound)
            Employed persons whose job involves improving their skills by sex and age (source: Eurofound)
            Employed persons whose work experience and job skills would be helpful to find another job by sex and age (source: Eurofound)
            Employed persons having the opportunity to use their knowledge and skills in their current job by sex and age (source: Eurofound)
        Employment-related relationships and work motivation
            Employment-related relationships
                Employed persons having a good relationship with their colleagues by sex and age (source: Eurofound)
                Employees having a good relationship with their supervisor by sex and age  (source: Eurofound)
                Employed persons exposed to employment-related physical, psychological or sexual violence in the last 12 months by sex and age (source: Eurofound)
            Work motivation
                Employed persons being able to choose their methods of work or to influence their pace of work by sex and age (source: Eurofound)
                Employees receiving regular feedback from their supervisor by sex and age (source: Eurofound)
                Employed persons thinking that they do useful work by sex and age (source: Eurofound)
                Employed persons having to work at very high speed or to tight deadlines by sex and age (source: Eurofound)
                Employed persons being able to influence decisions that affect their work by sex and age (source: Eurofound)
    Agri-environmental indicators
        Area under organic farming
        Sales of pesticides by type of pesticide
        Final energy consumption by agriculture/forestry per hectare of utilised agricultural area
        Share of main land types in utilised agricultural area (UAA) by NUTS 2 regions

!! not on NUTS2, but country level and given in %of other land.
        Ammonia emissions from agriculture (source: EEA)
        Ammonia emissions from agriculture - % of total emissions (source: EEA)
Estimated soil loss by water erosion by land cover type (source: JRC)
        Share of landcover types affected by severe erosion (source: JRC)
    Climate change
        Greenhouse gas emissions
            Greenhouse gas emissions by source sector (source: EEA)
            Greenhouse gas emissions (source: EEA)
            Air emissions accounts by NACE Rev. 2 activity
            Air emissions accounts totals bridging to emission inventory totals
            Air emissions intensities by NACE Rev. 2 activity
            Emissions of greenhouse gases and air pollutants from final use of CPA08 products - input-output analysis, ESA 2010
            Greenhouse gas emissions in ESD sectors
            Greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture 
            Greenhouse gas emissions intensity of energy consumption (source: EEA and Eurostat)
            Average CO2 emissions per km from new passenger cars (source: EEA, DG CLIMA)
                Primary energy consumption
                Final energy consumption
                Final energy consumption in households
                Final energy consumption in households per capita
                Final energy consumption in households by fuel 
                Final energy consumption by product
                Final energy consumption by sector
                Final energy consumption in services by type of fuel
                Final energy consumption in industry by type of fuel
                Complete energy balances
                Share of fossil fuels in gross available energy
                Share of fuels in final energy consumption
                Production of electricity and derived heat by type of fuel
                Electricity production capacities by main fuel groups and operator
                Key indicators of physical energy flow accounts by NACE Rev. 2 activity
                Energy supply and use by NACE Rev. 2 activity
                Air passenger transport between main airports in each reporting country and partner reporting countries
                Freight and mail air transport between main airports in each reporting country and partner reporting countries
                Summary of annual road freight transport by type of operation and type of transport (1 000 t, Mio Tkm, Mio Veh-km)
                Modal split of freight transport
                Volume of freight transport relative to GDP
                Modal split of passenger transport
                Volume of passenger transport relative to GDP
                Final energy consumption in transport by type of fuel
                Final energy consumption in road transport by type of fuel
            Industrial processes and product use
                Production in industry - annual data
                Production in construction - annual data
                Total production by PRODCOM list (NACE Rev. 2) - annual data
Management of waste excluding major mineral waste, by waste management operations
                Landfill rate of waste excluding major mineral wastes
                Municipal waste by waste management operations
                Bovine population - annual data
                Share of main livestock types in total livestock units (LSU) by NUTS 2 regions
                Livestock density index
                Livestock: number of farms and heads of animals by type of farming (2-digit)
                Animal populations by NUTS 2 regions
                Utilised agricultural area (UAA) managed by low-, medium- and high-input farms (source: FADN)
                Sales of fertilisers by type of nutrient (source: Fertilizers Europe)
                Consumption of inorganic fertilizers
            Land use, land use change and forestry
Land use overview by NUTS 2 regions
Land cover overview by NUTS 2 regions
                Area of wooded land (source: EFA questionnaire)
                Area of wooded land (source: FAO - FE)
                Volume of timber over bark (source: EFA questionnaire)
                Volume of timber (source: FAO - FE)
                Protected forests and forests under Natura 2000
                Protective functions of forests
                Sawnwood and panels
Land cover for FAO Forest categories by NUTS 2 regions

LC Total land cover
LCC1 Forest FAO
LCC2 Other wooded land FAO
LCC3 Other wooded land no FAO
            Share of energy from renewable sources
Electricity production capacities for renewables and wastes

"Net maximum electrical capacity" per

RA100 Hydro
RA110 Pure hydro power
RA110ROR Run-of-river hydro power
RA120 Mixed hydro power
RA130 Pumped hydro power
RA200 Geothermal
RA300 Wind
RA310 Wind on shore
RA320 Wind off shore
RA400 Solar
RA410 Solar thermal
RA420 Solar photovoltaic
RA420KW_LT20 Solar photovoltaic (< 20 kW)
RA420KW20-1000 Solar photovoltaic (20 kW - 1000 kW)
RA420MW_GT1 Solar photovoltaic (1+ MW)
RA420OG Solar photovoltaic (Off grid)
RA500 Tide, wave, ocean
R5100 Solid biofuels
R5220P Pure biodiesels
R5290 Other liquid biofuels
R5300 Biogases
W6000 Waste
W6100 Industrial waste (non-renewable)
W6200 Municipal waste
            Liquid biofuels production capacities
            Solar thermal collectors' surface
            Heat pumps - technical characteristics by technologies
            Nuclear energy facilities
            Energy efficiency
            Modal shift potential of long-distance road freight in containers - tonne-kilometre
            Environmental taxes by economic activity (NACE Rev. 2)
            Production, value added and exports in the environmental goods and services sector
            National expenditure on environmental protection by economic characteristics
Environmental protection expenditure by environmental domains (NACE Rev. 2, B-E)
        Impact and adaptation
            Mean near surface temperature deviation (source: EEA)
            Global mean ocean surface acidity (source: CMEMS)
            Climate related economic losses by type of event (source: EEA)
            Cooling and heating degree days by NUTS 2 regions - monthly data
            Cooling and heating degree days by NUTS 2 regions - annual data
            Environment - cities and greater cities

EN1002V Total number of hours of sunshine per day
EN1003V Average temperature of warmest month - degrees
EN1004V Average temperature of coldest month - degrees
EN1005V Rainfall - litre/m²
EN2002V Number of days ozone O3 concentrations exceed 120 µg/m³
EN2003V Number of hours nitrogen dioxide NO2 concentrations exceed 200 µg/m³
EN2005V Number of days particulate matter PM10 concentrations exceed 50 µg/m³
EN2025V Accumulated ozone concentration in excess 70 µg/m³
EN2026V Annual average concentration of NO2 (µg/m³)
EN2027V Annual average concentration of PM10 (µg/m³)
EN3003V Total use of water - m³
EN3012V Share of population connected to potable drinking water system - %
EN3013V Share of population connected to sewerage treatment system - %
EN3010V Price of a m³ of domestic water - Euro
EN3011V Share of the urban waste water load (in population equivalents) treated according to the applicable standard -%
EN4008V Municipal waste generated (domestic and commercial), total - 1000 t
EN5200V Share of land (%): Continuous residential urban fabric
EN5201V Share of land (%): Discontinuous residential urban fabric
EN5202V Share of land (%): Industrial, commercial, public, military and private units
EN5203V Share of land (%): Transport infrastructure
EN5204V Share of land (%): Other artificial areas
EN5205V Share of land (%): Green urban areas and sports and leisure facilities
EN5206V Share of land (%): Agricultural areas
EN5207V Share of land (%): Natural areas
EN2029I Proportion of residents exposed to air traffic noise >55 dB(A) at night time
EN2032I Proportion of residents exposed to rail traffic noise >65 dB(A) at day time
EN2036I Proportion of residents exposed to rail traffic noise >55 dB(A) at night time
EN2033I Proportion of residents exposed to road traffic noise >65 dB(A) at day time
EN2035I Proportion of residents exposed to road traffic noise >55 dB(A) at night time
            Share of irrigable and irrigated areas in utilised agricultural area (UAA) by NUTS 2 regions
            Main vine varieties by age group
            Land use: number of farms and areas of different crops by type of farming (2-digit)
Land use: number of farms and areas of different crops by agricultural size of farm (UAA) and NUTS 2 regions
            Water exploitation index, plus (WEI+) (source: EEA)
            Water resources: long-term annual average
            Fresh water abstraction by source - million m³
            Water abstracted by sector of use
            Water productivity
        Climate action initiatives
            Contribution to the international 100bn USD commitment on climate related expending (source: DG CLIMA, EIONET)
    Skills-related statistics
        Skills supply - indirect measures
            Education and training - labour force survey
                Population by educational attainment level
                    Population by sex, age and educational attainment level (1 000)
                    Population aged 25-64 by educational attainment level, sex and NUTS 2 regions (%)
                    Population by educational attainment level, sex, age and labour status (1 000)
                    Population by educational attainment level, sex, age and labour status (%)
                    Population by educational attainment level, sex, age and citizenship (%)
                    Population by educational attainment level, sex, age and country of birth (%)
                    Population by educational attainment level, sex, age and degree of urbanisation (%)
                    Population aged 15-34 by educational attainment level, sex, age and programme orientation (%)
                Early leavers from education and training
                    Early leavers from education and training by sex and labour status
                    Early leavers from education and training by sex and citizenship
                    Early leavers from education and training by sex and country of birth
                    Early leavers from formal education by sex and labour status
                    Early leavers from education and training by sex and NUTS 2 regions 
                    Early leavers from education and training by sex and degree of urbanisation
            Education and training - UNESCO, OECD, Eurostat (UOE) joint data collection
                Graduates in tertiary education by age groups  - per 1000 of population aged 20-29
                Graduates at doctoral level by sex and age groups - per 1000 of population aged 25-34
                Graduates at doctoral level, in science, math., computing, engineering, manufacturing, construction, by sex - per 1000 of population aged 25-34
                Distribution of graduates at education level and programme orientation by sex and field of education 
            Education and training - human resources in science and technology (HRST)
                HRST by category, sex and age     
                HRST with tertiary education by sex, age and field of education     
                HRST with tertiary education by age and field of education   
                HRST by category and NUTS 2 regions     
                HRST by category, sex and NUTS 1 regions   
                HRST by category, age and NUTS 1 regions    
        Skills supply - self-reported measures
            Digital skills - ICT usage in households and by individuals
                Internet and computer use
                    Individuals - computer use
                    Individuals - frequency of internet use
                    Individuals - use of cloud services
                ICT users
                    Individuals' level of digital skills
                    Individuals' level of computer skills
                    Individuals' level of internet skills
                    Way of obtaining ICT skills
                    Most recent training course on computer use
            Language skills - adult education survey
                Number of foreign languages known
                    Number of foreign languages known (self-reported) by sex
                    Number of foreign languages known (self-reported) by age
                    Number of foreign languages known (self-reported) by educational attainment level
                    Number of foreign languages known (self-reported) by labour status
                    Number of foreign languages known (self-reported) by occupation
                    Number of foreign languages known (self-reported) by degree of urbanisation
                Level of the best-known foreign language
                    Level of the best-known foreign language (self-reported) by sex 
                    Level of the best-known foreign language (self-reported) by age
                    Level of the best-known foreign language (self-reported) by educational attainment level
                    Level of the best-known foreign language (self-reported) by labour status
                    Level of the best-known foreign language (self-reported) by occupation
                    Level of the best-known foreign language (self-reported) by degree of urbanisation
        Skills demand - indirect measures
            Employment - labour force survey
                    Employment by sex, age and citizenship (1 000)
                    Employment by sex, age and educational attainment level (1 000)
                    Employment by sex, age and professional status (1 000)
                    Employment by sex, age and economic activity (from 2008 onwards, NACE Rev. 2) - 1 000
                    Employment by sex, age and detailed economic activity (from 2008 onwards, NACE Rev. 2 two digit level) - 1 000
                    Employment by sex, age, time since job started and economic activity (from 2008 onwards, NACE Rev. 2) - 1 000
                    Employment by occupation and economic activity (from 2008 onwards, NACE Rev. 2) - 1 000
                    Employment by sex, age, professional status and occupation (1 000)
                    Employment by sex, occupation and educational attainment level (1 000)
                    Employed persons working from home as a percentage of the total employment, by sex, age and professional status (%)
                    Employment by sex, age and European socio-economic group
                    Employment by age and European socio-economic group
                    Employment by educational attainment level, age and European socio-economic group
                    Employment by NACE Rev. 2 activity, age and European socio-economic group
                Employment rates
                    Employment rates by sex, age and citizenship (%)
                    Employment rates by sex, age and country of birth (%)
                    Employment rates by sex, age and educational attainment level (%)
                Self employed
                    Self-employment by sex, age and citizenship (1 000)
                    Self-employment by sex, age and country of birth  (1 000)
                    Self-employment by sex, age and educational attainment level (1 000)
                    Self-employment by sex, age and economic activity (from 2008 onwards, NACE Rev. 2) - 1 000
                    Self-employment by sex, age and occupation (1 000)
                    Employees by sex, age and educational attainment level (1 000)
                    Employees by sex, age and economic activity (from 2008 onwards, NACE Rev. 2) - 1 000
                    Employees by sex, age and occupation (1 000)
                Temporary employment
                    Temporary employees by sex, age and main reason
                    Temporary employees as percentage of the total number of employees, by sex, age and citizenship (%)
                    Temporary employees as percentage of the total number of employees, by sex, age and country of birth (%)
                Full-time and part-time employment
                    Full-time and part-time employment by sex, age and educational attainment level (1 000)
                    Full-time and part-time employment by sex and economic activity (from 2008 onwards, NACE Rev. 2) - 1 000
                    Full-time and part-time employment by sex, age and economic activity - NACE A10 (from 2008 onwards, NACE Rev. 2) - 1 000
                    Full-time and part-time employment by sex, age and occupation (1 000)
                    Main reason for part-time employment - Distributions by sex and age (%)
                    Part-time employment as percentage of the total employment, by sex and age (%)
                    Part-time employment as percentage of the total employment, by sex, age and citizenship (%)
                    Part-time employment as percentage of the total employment, by sex, age and country of birth (%)
                    Involuntary part-time employment as percentage of the total part-time employment, by sex and age (%)
                Working time
                    Average number of usual weekly hours of work in main job, by sex, professional status, full-time/part-time and economic activity (from 2008 onwards, NACE Rev. 2) - hours
                    Average number of usual weekly hours of work in main job, by sex, professional status, full-time/part-time and occupation (hours)
                    Average number of actual weekly hours of work in main job, by sex, professional status, full-time/part-time and economic activity (from 2008 onwards, NACE Rev. 2) - hours
                    Average number of actual weekly hours of work in main job, by sex, professional status, full-time/part-time and occupation (hours)
                Quality of employment
                    Long working hours in main job by sex, age, professional status and occupation
                    Job tenure by sex, age, professional status and occupation
                    Precarious employment by sex, age and NACE Rev. 2 activity
                Youth employment
                    Youth employment by sex, age and educational attainment level
                    Youth employment rate by sex, age and country of birth
                    Youth employment rate by sex, age and NUTS 2 regions 
                    Youth self-employment by sex, age and educational attainment level
                    Young temporary employees as percentage of the total number of employees, by sex, age and country of birth
                    Main reasons for part-time employment of young people by sex and age
                    Involuntary part-time employment as percentage of the total part-time employment for young people by sex and age
                Young people by educational and labour status (incl. neither in employment nor in education and training - NEET)
                    Young people neither in employment nor in education and training by sex, age and labour status (NEET rates)
                    Young people neither in employment nor in education and training by sex, age and educational attainment level (NEET rates)
                    Young people neither in employment nor in education and training by sex and NUTS 2 regions (NEET rates)
                    Young people neither in employment nor in education and training by sex, age and citizenship (NEET rates)
                Labour status of young people by years since completion of highest level of education
                    Employment rates of young people not in education and training by sex, educational attainment level and years since completion of highest level of education
                    Employment rates of young people not in education and training by sex, educational attainment level, years since completion of highest level of education and citizenship
                    Employment rates of young people not in education and training by sex, educational attainment level, years since completion of highest level of education and degree of urbanisation
            Employment - ICT usage and e-commerce in enterprises
                ICT specialists in employment
                    Employed ICT specialists - total
                    Employed ICT specialists by sex
                    Employed ICT specialists by educational attainment level
                    Employed ICT specialists by age 
                    Percentage of the ICT personnel in total employment
                ICT training
                    Employed persons with ICT education by sex
                    Employed persons with ICT education by educational attainment level
                    Employed persons with ICT education by age
            Employment - research and development
                Total R&D personnel by sectors of performance, occupation and sex
                Share of female researchers by sectors of performance
                Total R&D personnel and researchers by sectors of performance, educational attainment level (ISCED1997) and sex
                Total R&D personnel and researchers by sectors of performance, sex and fields of science
                Researchers in government and higher education sector by age and sex
                Researchers in government and higher education sector by citizenship and sex 
                Total R&D personnel and researchers in business enterprise sector by NACE Rev. 2 activity and sex 
                Total R&D personnel and researchers in business enterprise sector by size class and sex
                Total R&D personnel and researchers by sectors of performance, sex and NUTS 2 regions
            Employment - high-tech industry and knowledge-intensive services
                Employment statistics on high-tech industries and Knowledge Intensive Services at the national level (from 2008 onwards, NACE Rev. 2)
                Employment in technology and knowledge-intensive sectors at the national level, by sex (from 2008 onwards, NACE Rev. 2)
                Employment in technology and knowledge-intensive sectors at the national level, by type of occupation (from 2008 onwards, NACE Rev. 2)
                Employment in technology and knowledge-intensive sectors at the national level, by level of education (from 2008 onwards, NACE Rev. 2)
                Employment in technology and knowledge-intensive sectors by NUTS 2 regions and sex (from 2008 onwards, NACE Rev. 2)
                Employment in technology and knowledge-intensive sectors by NUTS 1 regions and type of occupation (from 2008 onwards, NACE Rev. 2)
                Employment in technology and knowledge-intensive sectors by NUTS 1 regions and level of education (from 2008 onwards, NACE Rev. 2)
                Annual data on employment in knowledge-intensive activities at the national level, by sex (from 2008 onwards, NACE Rev. 2)
            Employment - human resources in science and technology (HRST)
                Employed HRST by category, age and occupation    
                Employed HRST by category, age and NACE Rev. 2 activity (from 2008 onwards)  
                Employed HRST by category, sex, age and NACE Rev. 2 activity (from 2008 onwards)  
                Employed HRST with tertiary education by age, field of education and occupation  
                Employed HRST by category, NACE Rev. 2 activity and NUTS 1 regions (from 2008 onwards)    
                Data on job-to-job mobility of HRST
                    Job-to-job mobility of HRST by sex    
                    Job-to-job mobility of HRST by age     
                    Job-to-job mobility of HRST by NACE Rev. 1.1 activity (1996-2008)   
                    Job-to-job mobility of HRST by NACE Rev. 2 activity (from 2008 onwards)  
        Skills demand - direct measures
            Newly employed - labour force survey
                Newly employed (share of people in current job for 12 months or less, in total employment) by age, professional status and citizenship
            Job vacancies - job vacancy statistics
                Job vacancy statistics by NACE Rev. 2 activity - quarterly data (from 2001 onwards)
        Skills demand - self-reported measures
            Digital skills - ICT usage and e-commerce in enterprises
                Enterprises that employ ICT specialists
                Enterprises that recruited or tried to recruit ICT specialists
                Enterprises - ICT functions performed
                Use of computers and the internet by employees
        Skills development
            Participation in education and training - labour force survey
                Population by sex, age and participation in education and training (last 4 weeks) (1 000)
                Main indicators on adult participation in learning - LFS data from 1992 onwards
                    Participation rate in education and training (last 4 weeks) by sex and age
                    Participation rate in education and training (last 4 weeks) by sex and labour status
                    Participation rate in education and training (last 4 weeks) by sex and educational attainment level
                    Participation rate in education and training (last 4 weeks) by NUTS 2 regions
                Participation in education and training (last 4 weeks) - population aged 18+
                    Participation rate in education and training (last 4 weeks) by sex and age
                    Participation rate in education and training (last 4 weeks) by sex, age and educational attainment level
                    Participation rate in education and training (last 4 weeks) by sex, age and labour status
                    Participation rate in education and training (last 4 weeks) by sex, age and citizenship
                    Participation rate in education and training (last 4 weeks) by sex, age and country of birth
                    Participation rate in education and training (last 4 weeks) by sex, age and degree of urbanisation
                Participation in education and training (last 4 weeks) - employed persons aged 18+
                    Participation rate in education and training (last 4 weeks) by sex, age and occupation
                    Participation rate in education and training (last 4 weeks) by sex, age and employment contract
                    Participation rate in education and training (last 4 weeks) by sex, age and full-time/part-time employment
                    Participation rate in education and training (last 4 weeks) by sex, age and size of the local unit
                    Participation rate in education and training (last 4 weeks) by sex, age and NACE Rev. 1.1 activity
                    Participation rate in education and training (last 4 weeks) by sex, age and NACE Rev. 2 activity
                Participation in education and training (last 4 weeks) - population aged 15+, by type of education
                    Participation rate in education and training (last 4 weeks) by type, sex and age
                    Participation rate in education and training (last 4 weeks) by type, sex, age and educational attainment level
                    Participation rate in education and training (last 4 weeks) by type, sex, age and labour status
                    Distribution of participation in formal education and training (last 4 weeks) by education programme, sex and age
                Young people by educational and labour status (incl. neither in employment nor in education and training - NEET)
                    Participation rate of young people in formal education by sex, age and labour status
            Participation in education and training - adult education survey
                Participation in education and training (last 12 months)
                    Participation rate in education and training by sex
                    Participation rate in education and training by age
                    Participation rate in education and training by educational attainment level
                    Participation rate in education and training by labour status
                    Participation rate in education and training by occupation
                    Participation rate in education and training by degree of urbanisation
                    Participation rate in job-related non-formal education and training by type and sex
                    Participation rate in job-related non-formal education and training by type and age
                    Participation rate in job-related non-formal education and training by type and educational attainment level
                    Participation rate in job-related non-formal education and training by type and labour status
                    Participation rate in job-related non-formal education and training by type and occupation
                    Participation rate in job-related non-formal education and training by degree of urbanisation
                    Distribution of education and training activities by field (ISCED-F 2013)
                    Distribution of education and training activities by field (ISCED-F 1999)
                    Distribution of non-formal education and training activities by provider
                    Distribution of non-formal education and training activities by type and sex
                    Distribution of non-formal education and training activities by type and age
                    Distribution of non-formal education and training activities by type and educational attainment level
                Participation in informal learning (last 12 months) 
                    Participation rate in informal learning by learning form and sex
                    Participation rate in informal learning by learning form and age
                    Participation rate in informal learning by learning form and educational attainment level
                    Participation rate in informal learning by learning form and labour status
                    Participation rate in informal learning by learning form and occupation
                    Participation rate in informal learning by learning form and degree of urbanisation
                Time spent on education and training (last 12 months)
                    Mean instruction hours spent by participant in education and training by sex
                    Mean instruction hours spent by participant in education and training by age
                    Mean instruction hours spent by participant in education and training by educational attainment level
                    Mean instruction hours spent by participant in education and training by labour status
                    Mean instruction hours spent by participant in education and training by occupation
                    Mean instruction hours spent by participant in education and training by degree of urbanisation
                    Distribution of instruction hours by field (ISCED-F 2013)
                    Distribution of instruction hours by field (ISCED-F 1999)
                Obstacles to participation in education and training (last 12 months)
                    Population by will to participate in education and training
                    Population not participating in education or training by main reason and sex
                    Population not participating in education or training by main reason and age
                    Population not participating in education or training by main reason and educational attainment level
                    Population wanting to participate in education and training, by reason for not participating and sex
                    Population wanting to participate in education and training, by reason for not participating and age
                    Population wanting to participate in education and training, by reason for not participating and educational attainment level
                    Population wanting to participate in education and training, by main reason for not participating and sex
                    Population wanting to participate in education and training, by main reason for not participating and age
                    Population wanting to participate in education and training, by main reason for not participating and educational attainment level
                    Population not wanting to participate in education and training by main reason and sex
                    Population not wanting to participate in education and training by main reason and age
                    Population not wanting to participate in education and training by main reason and educational attainment level
            Participation in education and training - UNESCO, OECD, Eurostat (UOE) joint data collection
                All education levels
                    Pupils and students in education by age groups - as % of corresponding age population
                    Pupils and students in education aged 30 and over - per 1000 of corresponding age population
                    Students participation at the end of compulsory education - as % of the corresponding age population
                    Distribution of pupils and students enrolled in general and vocational programmes by education level and NUTS2 regions 
                Language learning
                    Pupils by education level and modern foreign language studied - absolute numbers and % of pupils by language studied
                    Pupils by education level and number of modern foreign languages studied - absolute numbers and % of pupils by number of languages studied
                    Average number of foreign languages studied per pupil by education level
                Tertiary education
                    Students enrolled in tertiary education by education level, programme orientation, sex, type of institution and intensity of participation
                    Students enrolled in tertiary education by education level, programme orientation, sex and age
                    Students enrolled in tertiary education by education level, programme orientation, sex and field of education
                    Distribution of students enrolled at tertiary education levels by sex and field of education 
                    Ratio of the proportion of tertiary students over the propotion of the population by NUTS1 and NUTS2 regions
                    Students enrolled in tertiary education by education level, programme orientation, sex and NUTS2 regions
                    Students in tertiary education by age groups - as % of corresponding age population
                    Students in tertiary education - as % of 20-24 years old in the population
            Participation in education and training - ICT usage and e-commerce in enterprises
                Enterprises that provided training to develop/upgrade ICT skills of their personnel
            Participation in education and training - continuing vocational training in enterprises
                Enterprises providing training by type of training and size class - % of all enterprises
                Participants in CVT courses by sex and size class - % of persons employed in all enterprises
                Main skills targeted by CVT courses by type of skill and NACE Rev. 2 activity - % of enterprises providing CVT courses