SCA report form (biomass)

Add your data for the respective fields for your reference year.
Questions marked with allow for Markdown formatted input. Make sure to save your changes.
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How to use Markdown

Markdown is a simple markup language that allows you to create rich text using plain text; it lets you add headers, lists, styling, links, and much more using only plain text.

The buttons in the toolbar will do most of the formatting for you. Below is an overview of all the possibilities. On the left is the input - what you write in the text area. On the right is what that input will end up looking like on the forum.

Input Output
### Header


**Bold text** Bold text
_Italic text_ Italic text
[This is a link]( to another website This is a link to another website
You can write `inline code` in your text You can write inline code in your text

As Walt Whitman said:

> Keep your face always toward the sunshine - and shadows will fall behind you.

As Walt Whitman said:

Keep your face always toward the sunshine - and shadows will fall behind you.
1. Making a list
2. Is quite simple
3. Try it out!
  1. Making a list
  2. Is quite simple
  3. Try it out!
- Bullet points
- Are also possible
- And just as easy
  • Bullet points
  • Are also possible
  • And just as easy

Urban context

For the population and area values, only fill in integers (whole numbers). Do not add thousand separators, decimal points, or commas.
Besides normal Markdown, here you can also add dataset visualisations by adding [#ID], where ID is the ID number of the dataset.

Sector economic activities (biomass)

For the GDP and employees values, only fill in integers (whole numbers). Do not add thousand separators, decimal points, or commas.
Answering these questions might help: How big is it in terms of employees or GDP/GVA? How big or small is it compared to other sectors? Besides normal Markdown, here you can also add dataset visualisations by adding [#ID], where ID is the ID number of the dataset.
How many are there in total? How many waste companies are there? Are they clustered or far apart? Are they close to the city or outside? What kind of other actors are there? Local mines? Local farms? Besides normal Markdown, here you can also add dataset visualisations by adding [#ID], where ID is the ID number of the dataset.


Besides normal Markdown, here you can also add dataset visualisations by adding [#ID], where ID is the ID number of the dataset.

Sankey description

Data quality assessment

Data analysis