Indicators: cities' biomass selections

This page gives an overview of the indicators that the cities selected to evaluate their biomass-related demonstration actions (DA), their biomass sector (S) and city (C). For their selection of construction indicators, click here. There are 4 options to interact with this page:

Note: Selections marked with an asterisk* are mandatory. Entries on the sector scale can neither be viewed nor edited.

Indicator Apeldoorn Mikkeli Porto Póvoa de Varzim Sevilla Tâmega e Sousa
1. Local stakeholder actions
1. New material passports: Impact
2. New material passports: Qualitative description
3. New tools for better mapping of resources and their location: Qualitative description
4. CE-related knowledge building campaigns: Qualitative description
5. CE-related knowledge building campaigns: Impact
6. Circularity related stakeholder activities
7. New methods and technologies for stakeholder involvement: Qualitative description
8. New methods and technologies for stakeholder involvement: Impact
9. New formal CE-based collaboration platforms/networks
10. Stakeholder contribution to improved circularity
11. Communication measures on circular transformations and waste prevention
12. Circularity requirements in procurement beyond existing levels
13. Circular procurement ambition set out in strategy / policy documents.
14. Investments in circular economy programmes
15. Procurement with circularity requirements beyond existing levels: Impact
16. Procurements making use of stakeholder dialogue to strengthen circularity: Qualitative description
17. Procurements making use of stakeholder dialogue to strengthen circularity: Impact
18. Cityloops indicators used in procurement tenders and contracts
19. Progress towards circular city strategy objectives
20. New tools for better mapping of resources and their location: Impact
21. New planning instruments/tools for improved circularity: Qualitative description
22. New planning instruments/tools for improved circularity: Impact
2. Circular business models and behavioural patterns
23. Eco-innovation: Qualitative description
24. Eco-innovation: Impact
25. Percentage of new cars that are zero-emission vehicles
26. Transport modal share in commuting (cars, motorcycles, taxi, bus, metro, tram, bicycle, pedestrian)
27. Increased share of materials retained and reused on demonstration sites
28. Volume onsite sorting (Improved source separation)
29. New material hotels: Mass of material stored in hotel
30. New digital material databank/marketplace: Qualitative description
31. New digital material databank/marketplace: Impact
32. Reduced costs due to improved circularity
33. CE-based employment
3. Closing material loops and reducing harmful resource use
34. Domestic material consumption (DMC)
35. Domestic material consumption (DMC) of virgin materials
36. Total energy demand
37. Share of renewable energy in total energy demand
38. Local biomass for energy generation
40. Share of renewable raw materials in domestic material consumption
41. Share of secondary materials in domestic material consumption
42. Share of local secondary materials in domestic material consumption
43. Import of materials
44. Export of waste materials
45. Export of waste materials to incineration
46. Export of waste materials to landfill
47. Export of waste materials to composting
48. EU self-sufficiency for raw materials
49. Quantity of material subjected to reuse
52. Quantity of material subjected to recycling
53. Quantity of material for anaerobic digestion
54. End of Life Collection Rate
56. Quantity of material for composting
57. Amount of sector specific waste that is produced
58. End of Life Processing Rate
59. Incineration rate
60. Incineration rates per material fractions
61. Landfilling rate
62. Landfilling rates per material fractions
4. Improving human well-being and reducing environmental impacts
63. Percentage of school-aged population enrolled in school
64. Percentage of students completing secondary education
65. Average life expectancy
66. Number of in-patient hospital beds per 100 000 population
67. Open green space area ratio per 100,000 inhabitants
68. Share of green space areas within urban limits
69. Percentage of city population with potable water supply service
70. Percentage of city population with authorized electrical service
71. Percentage of city population with regular solid waste collection (residential)
72. Percentage of city population served by wastewater collection
73. Unemployment rate
74. AROP - at-risk-of-poverty rate for the total population
75. QSR - income quintile share ratio
76. Average commuting distance/time
77. Share of population having access to public transport within 15 minutes by foot
78. Percentage of urban development that occurs on existing urban land rather than on greenfield land
79. Percentage of city area protected as natural sites
80. Percentage of residential and commercial wastewater that is treated according to applicable national standards
81. Percentage of water samples in a year that comply with national potable water quality standards
82. Urban population exposure to air pollution by particulate matter
83. Levels of Particulate Matter (PM10)
84. Levels of Particulate Matter (PM2.5)
85. GHG emissions per year
86. Annual CO2 equivalent emissions per capita
87. Annual CO2 emissions per unit of GDP